Thursday, September 3, 2020

Festival Management and Event for Disharmony -myassignmenthelp

Question: Talk about theFestival Management and Event Tourism for Disharmony. Answer: Occasions and celebrations are creating worldwide as a developing and enthusiastic part of the travel industry and recreation enterprises. They are crucial inspiration behind the travel industry and figure conspicuously in the development and market plans of preeminent goal. The general population is the members in the celebrations since celebrations are only festival for the neighborhood network. There are various controls territories that are used while exploring for occasion phenomena(Kyalo, 2009, p. 12). The target of the occasion is additionally significant where the greatest number of individuals taking an interest ought to be noted and their experience must be disparate and more extensive contrasted with a day by day living. There is no need of broadening the hands-on the sentiments by over one day, however it is consistently attractive economically(Kyalo, 2009, p. 56). Social capital ought to likewise be viewed as while exploring for occasions and it is utilized in an assortment of ways. Social capital is plainly grounded on human movement availability. People are allowed to act productively inside their structure in the event that there is nearness of social capital since it is the vehicle to get assets. The advancement of social capital is accomplished through advancement of social cohesiveness since the occasions or celebrations for the most part happen consistently so as to help in uniting the general public. Social capital for the most part is over the top to economy somewhat than social compensations of celebration appearance. Celebration help with upgrading the estimation of urban life through the recharging in the area by means of improved foundation for the travel industry and redevelopment and working of scenes. This is the impact of social capital economically(Quinn, 2013, p. 123). Disharmony likewise should be considered as recognized in various social orders around the world. This is connected to intellectualizing people groups as contending people lovely than socially associated individuals. Occasions are important since they help with bringing back qualities which are useful in uniting the general public, for example, altruism, trust, co-activity, and correspondence which are right now which are as of now blurring. There is need of upgrading the development of new century of confidence and this can't be accomplished by moving seriously toward a progressively acculturated future(Quinn, 2013, p. 34). The information on occasions and celebrations in genuine occasion the board is utilized by the legislature as a platform for monetary and modern extension. The support of occasion related consumption is done dependent on the monetary effect the occasion has to the host. Strategically, occasions likewise help with improving the essence of the travel industry or the area. There are likewise issues in condition associated with celebrations and that is the motivation behind why some host has a selective real highlights that can be for all intents and purposes profitably in publicizing celebration however a portion of the physical characteristics may require a predetermined methodology to ensure security against unfortunate effects, for example, the pulverization in condition, congestion, and clamor from neighborhood populace purpose of view(Yeoman, 2016, p. 21). Celebrations or occasions are essential for the general public since it aids the development of a typical social assurance and every now and again, celebration nearness likewise prepare various sub-bunches voice whose divergence is activated by the ethnicity and not inclinations. Be that as it may, the board of occasion helps in deciding if it affects the structure and public activity of the network or diminish from the district social-environment(Quinn, 2013, p. 156). The occasion organizing has the impact on the network life socially and the structure since it helps with reducing or improving social condition of that specific region. In genuine occasion the executives, there is need of cooperation and conference of hot networks so as to help in keeping away from various negative socio-social effects connected with events(Wynn, 2017, p. 213). References Kyalo, B. (2009). Celebration Management and Event Tourism. Chigaco: Wiley. Quinn, B. (2013). Key Concept in Event Management. Boston: Adventure Works Press. Wynn, P. (2017). Hazard and Hazard Management for Festivals and Events. Shanghai: China Publishing Company. Yeoman, I. (2016). The Future of Events Festivals. Informa.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Benedict Arnold Essay -- essays research papers fc

Benedict Arnold was conceived in Norwich, Connecticut. Arnold got his tutoring at Canterbury. While away at school, a couple of Arnold’s kin died from Yellow Fever. Arnold was an irksome child that would attempt pretty much anything. As a 14-year-old kid, he fled from home to battle in the French and Indian War. Afterward, Benedict Arnold left and got back through the wild alone to work with his cousins. The military had pardoned him without punishment in light of his young age. In 1762, when Benedict was only twenty-one years of age, he went to New Haven, Connecticut where he dealt with a book and medication store and continued exchange with the West Indies. (B Arnold) In 1767, he wedded Margaret Mansfield, a girl of a sheriff of New Haven County. They had three children together. At the point when the Revolutionary War was simply starting to break out, Benedict Arnold turned into a prosperous boat proprietor, shipper, and broker. Inside days, Arnold turned out to be keen on the war by and by and joined the American Army. The entirety of the fights Arnold directed over demonstrated enormous mental fortitude and boldness, however he was before long known as America’s most noteworthy deceiver because of his treachery of the American’s. As the Revolutionary War broke out, Benedict Arnold chose to elect to head more than 1,000 men up to Maine. He requested extra men from his organizations to join the military. Arnold at that point turned into a commander in the Connecticut Militia. General George Washington had his top choices, which Arnold was among the not many. Along these lines, Benedict Arnold was sent on a fiendish 500 mile walk to Maine by Washington, otherwise called "The Rock". (Macks 72) Benedict Arnold and just around 50% of his unique warriors made it to the St. Lawrence River where they got together with General Montgomery. Their arrangement was to assault the British Army off guard Quebec City, Canada. Both Mont gomery and Arnold masterminded to begin the grand mountainsides of Quebec. Arnold and his troopers wound up caught by the British. An individual from the British Army shot a black powder gun ball legitimately towards Arnold’s leg. His leg was seriously broken and he must be taken to an emergency clinic bed just about a mile away from the assault. The assault had kept going fifty days and the mystery venture brought about a disaster for the volunteer warriors who walked away. The conditions were awful. It was said that just about 50% of the men solidified, starved... ... also, the other three were from his first union with Margaret. His four children at that point became individuals from the British military. America presently has their first vile double crosser! List of sources Works Cited Benedict Arnold on Lake Champlain. The Battle of Valcour Island. On the web. Web. 7 March 2000. Accessible: Connecticut SAR. The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. On the web. Web. 28 Feb. 2000. Accessible: Flynn, J. Michael. Benedict Arnold: The Traitor Who Saved America. On the web. Web. 18 March 2000. Accessible: Memorable Valley Forge. Benedict Arnold. On the web. Web. 19 March 2000. Accessible: Kenneth, Dave C. "Say You Want a Revolution." Don’t Know Much About History. U.S.A: Avon Books, 1995. Freedom. Account of the Revolution. Benedict Arnold’s Leg. On the web. Web. 7 March 2000. Accessible: Mack, Stan. "Redcoats and Guerrillas." Real Life American Revolution. USA: Avon Books, 1994.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Net Neutrality and Freedom on the Internet

Unhindered internet and Freedom on the Internet Internet fairness: The end of web opportunity The web has been one of the best mechanical advances at any point found over the most recent 40 years. It has made the ways for some new advances in numerous different fields and has changed the way the world works today. Presently, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and the legislature have concluded that they have to control it. In principle, the guideline they might want to set up appears to be a smart thought. The guideline they are setting up is called internet fairness and it should complete three things. The three things that internet fairness means to do is no obstructing, no throttling, and no paid prioritization. These all appear as though smart thoughts and they are, the main issue is the thing that must be relinquished all together for the administration to guarantee these guidelines are upheld. Unhindered internet laws ought to be expelled so the web can keep on developing. The principal new principle of Net Neutrality is no blocking. As indicated by CNET, this implies the ISP (Internet Service Provider) can't square access of any lawful substance, administrations, or applications. The key here is the thing that does the administration think about lawful. Individuals would be shocked the amount of what they see online every day may not be viewed as lawful by the legislature. Another issue with the administration blocking access to these specific site and administrations is that with the end goal for them to square somebody from visiting an unlawful site or administration, they should screen them constantly. On the off chance that somebody isn't being observed, they could simply visit that site or administration as they could previously. In this way, by making exacting new guidelines to obstruct any illicit substance, the FCC will consistently be checking everything that everybody is doing on the web. This will give the administration an unheard of level of access to peoples’ individual lives and nothing will be totally private any longer. Another basic happening today is systems and frameworks being hacked (Science Alert). This requires quick execution of new security techniques and conventions to forestall mass hacking. Things being what they are, what happens when the administration will be engaged with the ISP’s? Each time an ISP needs to do a system update, it will probably should be endorsed by the administration first so as to ensure that it is as yet agreeing to the no blocking rules. That way, an ISP couldn't covertly begin obstructing a help without the FCC monitoring it. As can be exhibited by how quick and effective a mail station works, the administration isn't quick in what it does, this implies if another system weakness is discovered, it is conceivable that in the time it takes for the legislature to investigate and endorse the update, a programmer or gathering of programmers could have just hacked int o the system and begin taking data from a large number of individuals. How could this be improved? The appropriate response is no blocking, period. ISP’s basically don't have to hinder any substance of any sort except if their own framework identifies that it is a risk. Utilizing this strategy, it would permit all substance to be accessible to everybody similarly as a great many people are utilized to now. In any case, with a computerized danger indicator, it would make the web more secure too and less defenseless against infections and other hacking dangers. This is essentially how the web functions at this moment. Basically, the legislature doesn't have to fix what isn't broken as of now. In any case, the legislature doesn't need things to be that straightforward. The thinking behind their no blocking approach isn't to shield individuals from the large shrewd network access suppliers, but instead it is so nobody is downloading or seeing anything unlawful (Wired). Something else, the legislature would have little enthusiasm for the no blocking arrangement. This is essentially a path for them to get their foot in the entryway to square individuals from doing anything they decide to be illicit on the web. Here are a few instances of unlawful things that a great many people do each day on the web and dont even understand its illicit. For models, it is illicit to counterfeit a name on the web, it is unlawful to utilize promotion blocking programming, and it is unlawful to spare pictures from the web since they are somebody elses property. Individuals see heaps of illicit substance on YouTube constantly and one of the more ludicrous things that is unlawful to do online is t o post anybody singing glad birthday since it is a copyrighted tune. In the event that this standard of Net Neutrality were to be kept, huge numbers of the opportunities that individuals can encounter online today would be gone. Not any more upbeat birthday recordings on YouTube. The following guideline that Net Neutrality will authorize is no throttling. This implies ISP’s can't back off or accelerate certain administrations as long as they are legitimate (USA Today). This returns again to the issue of what does the administration think about legitimate on the web. The genuine point here, however, is that an ISP ought not have the option to hinder a specific help since they utilize a great deal of data transfer capacity or in the event that they are giving substance that the ISP doesn't concur with. A case of this throttling happening is on the off chance that somebody were attempting to see content on a contender of the ISP that somebody is at present bought in to. In this way, in the event that somebody on Comcast’s organize was attempting to see a report on a site other than NBC (Comcast claims NBC), it is conceivable that Comcast could throttle them since they are seeing substance on a contending news arrange site. This is the place the pos sibility of no throttling is a generally excellent thought, it isn't directly for one organization to throttle information to impede access to a contender. In any case, there is one point of view of throttling that the legislature doesn't think about. In certain cases, throttling guarantees that numerous individuals are not blocked by the use of the couple of. At the end of the day, a couple of individuals could be hoarding huge amounts of accessible data transmission to get to a media concentrated site or administration while every other person winds up with diminished speeds and system unwavering quality while they attempt to do less transfer speed serious assignments. This has been getting less of an issue as ISP’s keep on putting resources into their foundation and attempt to improve absolute accessible data transmission with the goal that more individuals can be getting to increasingly content simultaneously. A case of throttling being essential, be that as it may, was s hown when an application on Android turned out to be mainstream and everybody was utilizing it to impart, which caused a huge transmission capacity issue over the T-Mobile system. So as to keep the system stable with the goal that everybody could at present use it in some limit, T-Mobile needed to throttle the clients who were utilizing the correspondence application. For this situation, the requirements of the many exceeded the necessities of the couple of. It’s cases like these where throttling can be a need so as to keep up organize honesty. Netflix has regularly been the survivor of throttling. Right around 33% of the web traffic, today, is from individuals gushing Netflix (Time). Most systems presently have the ability to take into consideration that. Be that as it may, a couple of years prior, when Netflix was beginning to turn into large, this was a significant strain on the present systems and much of the time individuals would stall out with buffering on the grounds that the ISP’s were throttling Netflix so as to keep the system in working request. Throttling is a self-explaining issue from multiple points of view. On the off chance that individuals gripe that an assistance they like is being throttled, at that point the ISP should make upgrades to deal with the extra traffic and this prompts arrange enhancements and a general better help. The part that can be an issue is the point at which an ISP attempts to throttle a contender, which is when Net Neutrality could be acceptable. Nonetheless, this issue also can act naturally unraveling. On the off chance that somebody is attempting to see something from a contender of the ISP and they continue getting throttled, they will either gripe or they will switch ISP’s. This will at that point power the ISP to quit throttling that site or they will lose clients. In this way, indeed, the issue unravels itself without the administration expecting to intercede. The third guideline of Net Neutrality is no paid prioritization. This is intended to keep any ISP from preferring some legitimate traffic over other lawful traffic that has paid them (Wired). This is regularly alluded to as â€Å"no quick lanes.† The most ideal approach to see this is to think about an interstate. State there are eight paths to this interstate and as far as possible is the equivalent for six of the paths. Be that as it may, two of the paths have a higher speed restrain and have less traffic, yet they require a cost to utilize them. This is essentially what some ISPs have been doing. They will charge certain organizations to utilize these quicker and less blocked paths so their administration is better. The thought behind this third principle of Net Neutrality is that nobody gains admittance to fast tracks and everybody has equivalent access to everything. In principle, this is an extraordinary thought, however the issue here is like the issue with the second N et Neutrality rule. In the event that one help is utilizing a large portion of the data transfer capacity, they ought to need to pay a premium to be a channel on the system. At the point when an enormous data transfer capacity utilizing organization like Netflix is being utilized on a system, it is an immense channel on the system and it requires frequently costly moves up to be made so as to deal with that new transmission capacity request. These redesign costs are mostly because of the way that the transmission capacity hoard is hindering the systems execution, so they ought to need to pay a premium for a fast track with the goal that it can counterbalance the expense of system updates. This additionally permits the system to progress and by and large development the manner in which the web is utilized. At the point when another organization comes around and begins putting a strain on the system, this makes it so the system should be updated so as to deal with it which prompts a g eneral better system. In the event that there is no paid prioritization, at that point ISP’s will be unable to legitimize the expenses related with making system upgrades and afterward that will prompt a much more terrible help

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Dubai Aluminum Company (DUBAL) Competitive Advantage - 2200 Words

Dubai Aluminum Company (DUBAL) Competitive Advantage (Essay Sample) Content: Dubai Aluminum Company (DUBAL) Competitive AdvantageNameInstitutionDubai Aluminum Company (DUBAL) Competitive AdvantageEfficiencyEfficiency is the comparison of the output with the likely or expected output while utilizing similar consumption rates of resources such as labor, time, and finances. DUBAL have the most promising efficiency production capacity. One of the efficacy approaches of DUBAL is the expenditure of reduction cell technologies (DX technology, DX + technology, DX+ ultra-technology and DX18+ technology) in the production (Zarouni, Aswad, Ahili, Bastami Sayed, 2012). The technology has an efficiency of 94.4%. The DX technology is one of the best-reducing technologies available to other companies hence giving the company a competitive advantage (Zarouni et al. 2012). The DUBAL Company also has a power plant which supplies the required energy for best performance and production. The power plant resulted in multiple initiatives and significant investment s aimed at saving and maximizing the use of available fuel gas (EGA). The DUBAL Power Plant achieves high generating unit availability and reliability records (EGA). The DUBAL Company employs competent staffs who work best for the efficient production. The human resource department selects the superlative suited employees to ensure the best results in the operations of the company (EGA). Additionally, DUBAL Company holds lifelong learning with regular skills development and training programs (EGA). The training process aims at maintaining high performance within the firm. The company has the inspection team that ensures there is an efficient use of the raw materials (EGA). The team warrants the raw materials used are proportional to the aluminum produced. The unique cogeneration installation in the GTX project has boosted the power generation capacity of DUBAL (Zarouni et al. 2012). The company has also utilized renewable energy sources. DUBAL has a mini solar field for converting s olar energy into electrical energy (EGA). The strategy is a competitive advantage against businesses that lack the technology.QualityQuality is definable as the measure of excellence and void of defects, deficiencies, and significant variations. Quality results from consistency and commitment to certain standards that lead into uniformity of merchandise in the purpose of fulfilling end user needs. As part of Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA), DUBAL is dedicated to the production of high-quality metals (EGA). The high-quality standards of the aluminum products produced give DUBAL a competitive advantage. In Dubai, the DUBAL Company is a leader in the quality movement. The quality production of DUBAL Company gets exemplified by the membership of Dubai Quality Group (EGA 2010). The group offers seminars, conferences, and workshops that help the DUBAL Company to perfect in quality production (EGA). The company visits similar smelting plants to benchmark the methods of production that facil itate towards quality production (Mobbs, 2000). The company has quality assurance team in the smelting firm to ensure that the products are of best quality (EGA). According to EGA, the quality assurance manager guarantees that the quality assurance team gets enough training. The training is continuous to enable the team to have a competitive advantage. The company undertakes research about the quality of the products they produce from the consumers directly (EGA). The research involves accessing the customers through social media and direct feedback platforms. The company relies on the information obtained from the users in improving the quality of the products (EGA). Furthermore, the users play a great role in the quality produced. They inspect the products they order to ensure the company process the expected quality (EGA). The quality of the products is checked for substandard traces through ultrasound technology hence ensuring the goods are of the best qualityResponsiveness to CustomersCustomer responsiveness is the propensity of corporate to distinguish and respond to changing customers needs. Customer responsiveness is one of the most recommended competitive advantages to any enterprise. This competitive advantage aims at establishing the needs of the consumers and providing goods that are of high-quality standards to meet the needs. DUBAL has the insight of the customer responsiveness and strives to establish a mutually beneficial long-term relationships with the consumers (EGA). DUBAL meets the customers expectations through consistent delivery of highest quality products and customer oriented services (EGA). These customer oriented services include customized products. The company adores the preferences of the consumers and produce products tailored to meet customers specification (EGA). This service ensures the reliability of the companys services to the customers. The DUBAL company offers technical support to the client (EGA). The support aims at a ssessing customers individual requirements as well as developing tailor-made service solutions to the users (EGA). DUBAL also provides client consultations to clarify and enlighten the consumers on the products they deal with as well as clarification (EGA). DUBAL has a customer portal that enables customers to track their orders online, as well as a comeback to customers grievances within 24 hours (EGA). The company has designated sales managers who offer support to consumers at ground level (EGA). The DUBAL Company also provides aluminum prices and avails documents and market reports to customers for download (EGA). The DUBAL company ensures that the products are handled and shipped by consumers needs. DUBAL also has technical maven assistance on molding and plant start-ups provided by veteran metallurgist experts who travel to discrete markets to deliver nominal seminars (EGA). DUBAL has technical experts who assess processes and offer endorsements for operative perfections. The c ustomized services which DUBAL provides to its customers ensure it has a better competitive advantage than the rivals in the market.InnovationInnovation is the process by which ideas or inventions gets translated into a good or service that creates value. Additionally, novelty entails intentional application of imagination and application of information in obtaining value from the available resources. Innovation is one of the key competitive advantages a business strives to achieve (Mobbs, 2000). The invention allows the company to produce products of great worth which are customized to meet the needs of the dynamic market. The company must keep pace with the changing technology to ensure it remains competitive in the market. DUBAL company has commendably incorporated innovation into its operations to realize the value of its products (Kvande Dabrol, 2014). The company novelties are evident in its ability to produce three forms of aluminum products which are foundry alloy, Billet, and high purity aluminum (Kvande Dabrol, 2014). DUBAL has incorporated DX technology which is different from similar smelting companies and hence ranking the best in production (Kvande Dabrol, 2014). The company has the patents for the DX patents, Anode Tracking System, and GTX technologies (EGA). The innovations at DUBAL Company have enabled the company to produce the best quality products while minimizing on power expenses and environmental pollution (Kvande Dabrol, 2014). The corporation capitalizes in a broad range of developing new technology that aids the success of the enterprise. The company has a team of technical experts who tirelessly work out the best methods of production (EGA). The company also extensively research on the best technologies which can get used in the smelting plant. The company aims at developing local talent and invests in skills development and training (Kvande Dabrol, 2014). The company maintains the innovators by rewarding and retaining talent.Re asons for Choosing the DUBAL CompanyDUBALs Vision and Core ValuesThe DUBAL Company has the most incredible vision and core values which govern it. The group found the concepts and core values of the company compelling. The company aims at providing the global economy with the sustainable material of the highest quality while building a legacy of excellence in the world (EGA). Unlike other enterprises, the core values of DUBAL are to protect, provide and perform. The company cares for the safety of the environment and ensures rewarding career and development opportunities to all people (EGA). The company also aims at promoting a performance-based culture by empowering ownership, accountability, and team support.Social ResponsibilityThe DUBAL Company has involved the society in its operations. According to EGA, the company ensures little environmental pollution. Additionally, the company has the Emiratization policy that aims at employing the Emirians in most positions (EGA). The str ategy also targets educating the UAE citizens through scholarships and training centers. The Central DUBAL Training Centre and Bexhill Institute of Training Further Education deliver management skills to the community before employment (EGA). Furthermore, the company has a residential complex accommodating more than 1500 people (EGA).The FameThe company is famous, and we decided to analyze it and unravel the success strategies it applies. The aluminum metal has a broad range of application and hence the popularity (EGA). The conventional products utilizing DUBAL products are shared among the students and hence the interest about the manufacturers. Some of these commodities include flash disks, hard drives, and motor vehicle parts (EGA). The company has won sev...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

English as a Native Language (ENL)

Definition: The variety of the English language spoken by people who acquired English as their first language or mother tongue. English as a Native Language (ENL) is commonly distinguished from English as an Additional Language (EAL), English as a Second Language (ESL), and English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Native Englishes include American English, Australian English, British English, Canadian English, Irish English,  New Zealand English, Scottish English, and Welsh English. In recent years, the proportion of ENL speakers has steadily declined while the use of English in ESL and EFL regions has rapidly increased. Observation A wide variety of countries, such as Australia, Belize, Canada, Jamaica, the United Kingdom and the United States, speak English as a native language (ENL). ENL countries are established when large numbers of English speakers migrate from other English speaking countries, displacing other languages, both local and immigrant. Other countries, such as Fiji, Ghana, India, Singapore, and Zimbabwe  use English as a second language (ESL). In ESL countries the language is imported during a colonial period and promoted through education, but there is not a massive migration of native English speakers.(Roger M. Thompson,  Filipino English and Taglish. John Benjamins, 2003) ENL Varieties English varies markedly from one ENL territory to another, and often from one region to another within heavily populated countries such as the US and UK, a state of affairs which, as travelers know well, can lead to problems of intelligibility. In the UK, for example, there are significant differences of accent, grammar, and vocabulary between Anglophone visitors to London and many of the local people (speakers of Cockney and near-Cockney), as well as in Scotland, where many people routinely mix Scots and English. In the US, there are significant differences between many speakers of African-American (or Black) English and what is sometimes called mainstream English. . . . It is therefore risky to classify a territory as ENL and leave it at that, the ENLhood of a place being no guarantee whatever of unhampered communication in English.(Tom McArthur, The English Languages. Cambridge University. Press, 1998) Standards of English Standard English is typically seen as correct and grammatical, while non-standard dialects are seen as wrong and ungrammatical, regardless of whether the speaker or the speakers ancestors spoke English as a native language. Disapproval of non-standard varieties is not the prerogative of the formerly colonized. The reason that Singapore has had a Speak Good English Movement and India does not is that Singapore has a highly informal contact variety, usually known as Singlish, which has no parallel in India.(Anthea Fraser Gupta, Standard English in the World. English in the World: Global Rules, Global Roles, ed. by Rani Rubdy and Mario Saraceni. Continuum, 2006) Pronunciation ​It is obvious that interdialectal contact tends to speed up phonological change, and new social norms can easily change the acceptability of formerly stigmatized pronunciations: innovation is therefore to be generally expected in ENL communities. By contrast, ESL societies are likely to be characterized by interference phenomena and overgeneralization, and therefore exhibit innovation (of different types)--unless these local features are criticized as deviances when compared with an external standard, say the educated speech of the South of England. (Manfred Gà ¶rlach, Still More Englishes. John Benjamins, 2002)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Was There a Struggle Between the Bourgeoisie and the...

Why, according to Marx and Engels in The Manifesto of the Communist Party, was there inevitably struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, which would create the preconditions for socialism? ___________________ The theories of Karl Marx have influenced some of the world’s greatest thinkers. Marx’s idea of the inevitable class struggle within capitalism and consequent place for a socialist society is professed within ‘The Manifesto of the Communist Party.’ It is necessary to explore why Marx and Engels believed class conflict to be unavoidable in order to understand why the preconditions for socialism could be established. It is clear that economics is at the heart of Marxist thought and it can be arguably suggested that†¦show more content†¦The nature of capitalism meant the bourgeoisie needed to exploit their workers in order to make a surplus. If they didn’t do this they would fall themselves into the proletariat and their employees would work for someone who would. This made the situation of the proletariat all the more dire. Marx expressed this view when he defined the proletariat as â€Å"a class of labourers, who live only so long as they fi nd work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital† (page 8). This meant that the chances of a proletariat had to advance into a higher economic class were reduced and a further polarisation of classes would develop. This meant that a class struggle was inevitable if one views Marx’s theory as one of ‘group-formation’ as is explored by Reinhard Bendix in his study of Marx. Bendix suggests that in Marx’s view â€Å"ruling classes are aware of their common interests and have the organizational means to promote them, while oppressed classes still seek to achieve class consciousness and organizational cohesion.† Hence due to a lack of class consciousness the proletariat continue to struggle. This was inevitable, according to Bendix view of Marx, due to the nature of the oppressed classes. A similar idea that causes inevitable class conflict mentioned again by Bendix is that a â€Å"lack of acquaintance and competing interes ts divided the workers amongst them-selves. Although all of them lived a starkly deprived life, theirShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pageswith a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writing set the book apart, making it an ingenious read which invites reflexivity, criticalness and plurality of opinion from the audience. This is a book that will become a classic in organization studies. Mihaela L. Kelemen, Professor of Management Studies, Keele University, UK An unusually rich and deep philosophical

IT Performance and Communicating Value

Question: Describe about IT performance and communicating value and capitalism? Answer: 1. Measuring IT Performance and Communicating Value 1.1 Purpose of Paper This paper is based on the analysis of different factors which CIO of IT firm uses to measure their organization performance level and communication. This paper proposes several measures which management of any IT firms takes to improve their overall performance in comparison of other IT organization. 1.2 Important points/ Arguments Presented CIO of IT firm should focus on their communication process as communication help in improving the level of performance, customer satisfaction, quality of product and other. IT firm main pillar is their customer so management of IT firm should try to work as per the customer requirement and demand which requires good communication channel between client and customer. As IT firms is determined by their performance metric dimension which is important for their stakeholders. So the CIO of IT firm should try to increase the level of performance metric which is based on revenue and profit of the firm (Merino, 2010). IT firm management should try to improve their business process in comparison of their competitors to increase the profit share, revenue. IT firm function is dependent on different factors as communication between customer and firm, technical support used by firm for working and others so management of IT firm should always try to analyze these factors to end business process on time. 1.3 Approaches used This paper is having different guideline or methods which can be used by CIO of IT firm to resolve the communication gap or problem and improve their performance as management of IT firm should plan a internal assessment or inspection which will be conducted by their executive or other experienced employee for analyzing the issues which employees face while contacting different clients (Ingham, 2008). IT firm should try to work as per their customer requirement and demand within the allocated duration. Business and IT firm should always focus on their stakeholder, customers, employees, technology used by them and other. 1.4 Issues and their Solution The issues regarding IT firm can be regarding their technology and ethics. IT Technology is based on technology which is ever changing so the main issue which IT firm management can face. Suppose today IT firm updated its framework from older version to new CIO framework and few years later new technology came in market. IT firm should always try to keep them updated regarding their technology. 2. Capitalism 2.1 Purpose of Paper This paper is written to explain the capitalism condition in business. This paper is based on the analysis of economic system and privatization culture presently adopted by many business processes (Brocke and Rosemann, 2010). There is explanation of mutual significance concept which focuses on the connection of business societal growth and economical growth. 2.2 Important Points/ Arguments presented Mutual significance concept is adopted by maximum business process which shows their link between their community and financial growth. Three main methods adopted by companies are explained which are as by considering all market and products together for increasing profit, by identifying the value chain system of business and evaluating it and by working for both local and national customers so that business increases worldwide. Business should consider there supply chain system, employees, customers, and their health and safety which will help in increasing their productivity. By reducing their packaging and other expenditure keeping quality of product in mind can reduce their overall expenditure cost and increase profit share. Organization should work for their employees welfare so that employees trust and level of loyalty is continued for long term. Organization should perform their work under the government rules and regulation. While changing their working style or policies all rules and regulation mentioned by government should be considered by organization. 2.3 Approach used The approaches suggested by writer regarding capitalism and other are organizations while working on common goal or value should consider society, economy and growth of employees as well as organization (Future Prospects for Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2014). To increase the business profit rate organization should always keep them updated regarding technology and should be aware of their customers requirement and demand. Organization before starting any new process should decide their long term and short term benefits. Capitalization helps organization should improve their productivity, market shares and etc. 2.4 Issues and their solution While capitalization organization do not consider all problems which may occur in future while operation is on. Common significance process does not consider all society related problem, management issues and other business related problems which can effect organization. Some organization while working does not follow government norms and ignore society welfare. References Brocke, J. and Rosemann, M. (2010).Handbook on business process management 2. Berlin: Springer. Future Prospects for Capitalism Nature Socialism. (2014).Capitalism Nature Socialism, 25(4), pp.1-2. Ingham, G. (2008).Capitalism. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Merino, N. (2010).Capitalism. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.