Wednesday, May 6, 2020

IT Performance and Communicating Value

Question: Describe about IT performance and communicating value and capitalism? Answer: 1. Measuring IT Performance and Communicating Value 1.1 Purpose of Paper This paper is based on the analysis of different factors which CIO of IT firm uses to measure their organization performance level and communication. This paper proposes several measures which management of any IT firms takes to improve their overall performance in comparison of other IT organization. 1.2 Important points/ Arguments Presented CIO of IT firm should focus on their communication process as communication help in improving the level of performance, customer satisfaction, quality of product and other. IT firm main pillar is their customer so management of IT firm should try to work as per the customer requirement and demand which requires good communication channel between client and customer. As IT firms is determined by their performance metric dimension which is important for their stakeholders. So the CIO of IT firm should try to increase the level of performance metric which is based on revenue and profit of the firm (Merino, 2010). IT firm management should try to improve their business process in comparison of their competitors to increase the profit share, revenue. IT firm function is dependent on different factors as communication between customer and firm, technical support used by firm for working and others so management of IT firm should always try to analyze these factors to end business process on time. 1.3 Approaches used This paper is having different guideline or methods which can be used by CIO of IT firm to resolve the communication gap or problem and improve their performance as management of IT firm should plan a internal assessment or inspection which will be conducted by their executive or other experienced employee for analyzing the issues which employees face while contacting different clients (Ingham, 2008). IT firm should try to work as per their customer requirement and demand within the allocated duration. Business and IT firm should always focus on their stakeholder, customers, employees, technology used by them and other. 1.4 Issues and their Solution The issues regarding IT firm can be regarding their technology and ethics. IT Technology is based on technology which is ever changing so the main issue which IT firm management can face. Suppose today IT firm updated its framework from older version to new CIO framework and few years later new technology came in market. IT firm should always try to keep them updated regarding their technology. 2. Capitalism 2.1 Purpose of Paper This paper is written to explain the capitalism condition in business. This paper is based on the analysis of economic system and privatization culture presently adopted by many business processes (Brocke and Rosemann, 2010). There is explanation of mutual significance concept which focuses on the connection of business societal growth and economical growth. 2.2 Important Points/ Arguments presented Mutual significance concept is adopted by maximum business process which shows their link between their community and financial growth. Three main methods adopted by companies are explained which are as by considering all market and products together for increasing profit, by identifying the value chain system of business and evaluating it and by working for both local and national customers so that business increases worldwide. Business should consider there supply chain system, employees, customers, and their health and safety which will help in increasing their productivity. By reducing their packaging and other expenditure keeping quality of product in mind can reduce their overall expenditure cost and increase profit share. Organization should work for their employees welfare so that employees trust and level of loyalty is continued for long term. Organization should perform their work under the government rules and regulation. While changing their working style or policies all rules and regulation mentioned by government should be considered by organization. 2.3 Approach used The approaches suggested by writer regarding capitalism and other are organizations while working on common goal or value should consider society, economy and growth of employees as well as organization (Future Prospects for Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2014). To increase the business profit rate organization should always keep them updated regarding technology and should be aware of their customers requirement and demand. Organization before starting any new process should decide their long term and short term benefits. Capitalization helps organization should improve their productivity, market shares and etc. 2.4 Issues and their solution While capitalization organization do not consider all problems which may occur in future while operation is on. Common significance process does not consider all society related problem, management issues and other business related problems which can effect organization. Some organization while working does not follow government norms and ignore society welfare. References Brocke, J. and Rosemann, M. (2010).Handbook on business process management 2. Berlin: Springer. Future Prospects for Capitalism Nature Socialism. (2014).Capitalism Nature Socialism, 25(4), pp.1-2. Ingham, G. (2008).Capitalism. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Merino, N. (2010).Capitalism. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.

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