Monday, April 20, 2020

Use of Technology for GE

Outline Introduction – Under this section, the importance of technology in the efficient running of an organization is exploredAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Technology for GE specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Discussion -This section examines the use of information technology by GE and how some of the policies on use of internet from various countries could impact on the expansion program of GE. In addition, the section also employees’ issues related to use of technology and the consequences of failing to comply with the established guidelines. Conclusion -Here, the importance of information technology for an organization with a global reach as GE is recaptured for purposes of enhancing the company’s efficient operation. Introduction For any organization that wishes to maintain a competitive edge in the market, there is need to embrace technology. This is because the proper harnessin g of technology helps an organization to become more efficient in its operations. There are many benefits that come about when an organization embraces technology. To further explore some of these benefits, this research paper shall explore the use of technology by General Electric (GE). Discussion Many countries have embraced the use of the internet albeit with some questions being raised (Abbate, 1999, p. 12).GE has been involved in a massive expansion program to enhance its global presence. As a matter of fact, some of the policies implemented by various countries that deals with the use of information technology may affect GE’s ability to expand further globally. There are many issues that come about once an organization with a global presence as GE decides to expand. With the use of internet, employee’s issues related to use of information technology often crops up. It is important for an organization to address such issues as they cannot be ignored. Because there are many opportunities for expansion, issues relating to work have posed a big challenge as a result of the need to implement them in line with the established guidelines (Abbate, 1999, p. 15).Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On certain occasions, the issue of global supply chain control arises. As a result, we could end up with restricted the flow of business (just because they have to be adhered to). In addition to these, there have also been issues that relate to international tax compliance and structuring. This have in most occasions eroded the vast opportunities that are available due to the extremes in this scenario. New technology has always presented a lot of opportunities for adoption by businesses. However, this has on certain occasions been overshadowed by certain issues that need to be explored further (Castells, 1996, p.4). The internet has been viewed as a great way of doing business by consumers in many countries and this explains its wide use all over the globe. Consumers in many countries have embraced the internet and therefore see it as a very efficient way of advancing their lives. However, the internet has been used suspiciously due to privacy issues where some customers have feared that whatever they are doing might not be private at all (Castells, 1996. P.7). Consumers will be less concerned about internet privacy if they are convinced that they are secure in whatever they are doing online in all occasions. Because of some complains and the exposure that the internet puts to many customers some governments have come up with consumer protection laws to ensure that indeed they are protected. The presence of such laws though in some instances has redefined business they have also been critical. In spite of all these shortcomings, consumers still view the internet as an avenue for accessing numerous business opportunities that would o therwise have remained impossible to achieve. Since GE has a global presence in its business operations, there is need for the organization to adjust its operational procedures. The first thing to do is to ensure that its operations are well coordinated to avoid any leaks that might end up being used to its disadvantage in other countries. Since GE is involved in global business, it has to abide by the various laws and business guidelines that have been put in place by those countries (Castells, 1996, p. 9). Its operations might have to be too involving (that is; by involving all the stakeholders) for them to succeed. Personal and organizational responsibilities for moral and ethical use of technology Despite the need to adopt technology in order to compete in today’s world, an organization must determine, develop and implement methods of anticipating and responding to issues that may arise from technological activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Technology for GE specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Any industrial corporation worldwide that is utilizing technology must be able to respond to social needs. Proactive philosophy is a responsive approach that companies using technology must adhere to. It is important to anticipate problems before they occur and develop approaches of dealing with those problems. This is one of the key issues that an organization can extend to its internal and external stakeholders as well as to the general community. The other key issue is adapting to accommodation philosophy. This means doing more that the minimum expectation from the public policy. Related to this is the need to avoid any illegal act that will affect the society at large. Such include having harmful emissions from the adopted technology. Technological advancements like steam engines and electricity can be used for not only good but also to commit social crime hence threatening social values. With this in mind, it is important to have ethical considerations in the use of technology. Some of the moral responsibilities associated with technology include: The information rights and obligations This includes the information rights that individual and organizations have on the technology as well as to themselves. System quality This explains about the standards of system and data quality and whether it protects individual’s rights as well as the society’s safety. Property rights and obligations This dictates the protection that traditional intellectual rights have in relation to the digital society. This is because accounting for their ownership may be difficult and hence easily forgotten. Quality of life This explains about the values that must be retained in the knowledge-based society.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Accountability and control This questions about who will be held accountable and liable for the harms caused on individuals and the organization, the information therein as well as the rights of the property Conclusion If at all General Elects aspires to have a competitive edge in the market, it is important for the company to fully embrace information technology in all its operations. In addition, there is need for the organizations to ensure that its workforce fully comply with the established guidelines regarding the use of the internet. Reference List Abbate, J. (1999). Inventing the Internet. Cambridge: MIT Press, Castells, M. (1996). Rise of the Network Society. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers This essay on Use of Technology for GE was written and submitted by user Zackery M. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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